Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sweet Disposition

I find that it's sort of soothing to be in a state of bittersweet melancholy, it's a nice and reflective mood. I'm in the process of sorting through all of the things that are currently serving as inspiration for me, anything that is on my mind right now.

I am happy.

I am praying for victims in Haiti.

I am praying for friends and family who are remembering an awful anniversary this month.

Peace, love, may your prayers flow like poetry <3

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm filled with such optimism but at the same time I'm filled with such frustration.

As far as being optimistic goes, the Inaugaration of Barack Obama has compeletly lifted an odd weight off of my shoulders. For the first time in a long time I'm not filled with the anger that comes with having to represent a country who is represented (on a global scale) by someone who I do not agree with. I finally feel like a sensible decision has been made by the American people, and we have the support of the international community. For the first time in a very, very, long time. I had a surreal moment the first time I typed "President Obama" into my computer. Yes, I cried on Novemeber 4th, and, yes, I cried when he was sworn in, but I did not feel the impact of the whole situation until I realized that yes, he is, President Obama. I yelled and screamed and unleashed ecstatic cries for about two minutes, while my mother watched in amazement.

What's more I cannot get over Mrs. Obama, my girl Michelle. What can I say? I adore her. I finally feel like for once, there is a sensible black female role model out there. For once, there is someone in the public eye that I can claim as my own, similar to me, and not be ashamed. Michelle Obama is intelligent, opinionated, stylish, well-spoken and well-respected because she keeps it real. I'd love to sit down with her for tea and just discuss things. Things. I say that so ambiguously because I feel like we'd have so much in common to share, I wouldn't have to outline or prepare anything special to say to her.

I am frustrated because at the same time of all this talk of hope and prosperity, my senior class was given news that one of our classmates had died. She is an angel and she is a good friend. I am hesitant to use past tense because I know that in death she will only continue spreading good to others. She is an organ donor, and her thoughtful decision has encouraged many of my classmates to do the same.

Currently Reading: Sound and Sense (a whole lot of poetry for English class)

Currently Watching: Burn After Reading by the Coen brothers

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seasons Change

This being my first post, I feel like I should state my purpose for posting up a blog. It is simply a vehicle to share my thoughts and opinions. What often frustrates me is that I see many bloggers who feel as though their opinion holds more weight than others simply because they choose to post their feelings on the Internet. I don't agree with this thought process. Take my words at face value, as my opinion, and react to it in whatever way you see fit. That is part of the reason behind the title of my blog, "No Louder Than Lovely." I'm just putting what I want to write about out there, and at the end of the day it is more for my satisfaction than it is an attempt to confirm my beliefs through the validation of others.

This blog will be an outlet for my opinions on what matters most to me: art, literature, politics, culture, fashion, film, music, etc. Things surrounding and shaping my life in general.

I'm trying to approach my senior year of HS with optimism, I have so much to be happy about this upcoming year. At the same time, I can not help but be nervous and anxious. It finally occurred to me that I did not spend much time outside this summer, which sort of puts me in a lamentable mood. In February when it is disgusting and miserable outside, I pray for the weather to be the way it is now. Why do I never take advantage of opportunities when they are right in front of me? I take too much for granted.

While I desperately try to grasp the fleeting summer days, so much is on my mind, perhaps because I have so much time to think about things. I want to revamp my look so that it mirrors the confidence and happiness I'm currently feeling on the inside, but so far have no idea to go about doing it. Those who know me know that I love fashion and loathe shopping, so undergoing the "metamorphosis" I'm currently envisioning for myself should be an interesting process. While I say I "love" fashion, that too, is a contradiction. What frustrates me most would be the whole fashion industry itself, the politics of trends. Right now I am firm in the belief that as long as you have a strong point of view regarding how you dress and feel as though your style reflects you, I am not going to question what you wear. At all. The whole hierarchy of what is "in" and "out" in fashion makes no sense whatsoever, considering fashion, like everything in the arts, is so subjective. If you feel fabulous, who am I too judge? Especially considering the fact that everyone else is judging, too.

And even if you look fabulous on the outside, the most significant change you can make in appearance is due to whatever changes you have made emotionally. We all look best when we get enough sleep and are relaxed, in healthy relationships with friends, family, and loved ones. I am so happy to be in that position in my life right now. This is functioning as a motivator for making sure I look my best and feel great everyday, creating this crazy cyclical effect. I am currently in search of new jeans, a pea coat or a trench I can rely on for many years to come, and a wonderful ensemble I can wear to an upcoming concert.

"You were so pretty, you were like flowers in Spring," croons Justin Nozuka on
the song, "Seasons Change."

He sings those lyrics with a sad melancholy, a longing for a love faded long ago like the seasons. I've gotten to an age in which I've realized that life is going by at a much faster rate than I originally anticipated, and I hope I can recall certain times of my life and the emotion that flanks them in my memory with the same passion that he sings those lines. I hope to no longer regret summers that I haven't spent outside simply because I didn't spend much time outside. On one hand, I can call this summer particularly uneventful, for that fact alone, but this summer is like the big exhale in reaction to the stress and resulting growth I experienced last summer. And like the flowers of Spring, I hope to reflect the beauty in my spirit with that on the outside through my style...if only for a little bit.

Currently listening: "I Don't Know," Justin Nozuka

Currently reading: Chekhov short stories

Currently watching: Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, Julie Delpy's 2 Days in Paris